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Tactical Strike Media: Introduction to Social Media Warfare with Activeness.social


Social networks are an important part of everyday life for each of us. It gives everyone the tools to create, connect, and grow. These same tools give the enemies of the free world the opportunity and means to attack, destroy and divide our communities. Every day evil in the world, whether it be an individual or a state, uses this opportunity to spread hatred, disinformation and death. Disinformation justifies and motivates violence. Attacks corrode and undermine support not only for Ukraine, but also for all that is good in the world.

Every day, armies of trolls and bots go to war with all of us. It needs to be countered, and a new breed of warrior is needed. A little cyber, a lot of information warfare, a little digital marketing magic, an army... and the tools to get the job done. Thanks to The IT Army of Ukraine, we now have the right tool for the job. This is called activeness.social The work and responsibility to bring the battle to the enemy is in our hands. Be the change you want to see in the world. Join the IT Army of Ukraine Media Resistance.

Similar to kinetic warfare, the battlefield is constantly changing and tactics are evolving. After more than ten years of fighting on the digital front in support of InformNapalm, Ctrlsec, Ghost Security Group and many others to spread the truth and counter extremism, hate and terrorism, I have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Through these blog posts, I hope to share my experience and perspective with the digital warriors of the future and help you all gain the skills and knowledge you need to safely navigate the complex information environment we all live in every day. This space, unfortunately, is not just social networks, it is a battlefield. Until that changes, the world needs someone like YOU to fight for those who can't. Thank you IT Army staff for the honor and opportunity to share.

Captain No Beard
[ Tactical Strike Media ]
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